Thursday 22 October 2015

Happy (3rd) Birthday to us!

It's somewhat hard for me to believe, but it was 3 years ago to the day that the first TimeforWhisky post was made. I won't say it seems like yesterday, but it certainly seems like less than 3 years ago...

In those three years we've:
Most importantly though, we've made some incredible friends across the world and shared some amazing drams, and, hopefully, brought you some enjoyable, light-hearted posts along the way.

So, a huge thanks to you all for reading this site, posting comments, engaging with us on TwitterFacebook and Instagram and giving us the motivation to keep going over the past 3 years, and no doubt for many more to come!

Steph, Hendy & Martin.


  1. Congratulations! As a keen reader of your site for most of that time I can safely say there will be many more to come. Let me know when you return to the UK... lets dram.

    1. Thanks Greg, will do. Looking forward to it! I'll bring something Aussie. :)
